

A very whimsical and iconic cryptid, the Jackalope! Kit’s depiction of several different type of these antlered rabbits would suit anyone fond of the weird and wonderful.

A premium quality heavyweight fine art print material with a smooth, clean finish. This museum-quality paper is extremely consistent and works perfectly to capture the details in Kit’s work.

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A very whimsical and iconic cryptid, the Jackalope! Kit’s depiction of several different type of these antlered rabbits would suit anyone fond of the weird and wonderful.

A premium quality heavyweight fine art print material with a smooth, clean finish. This museum-quality paper is extremely consistent and works perfectly to capture the details in Kit’s work.

A very whimsical and iconic cryptid, the Jackalope! Kit’s depiction of several different type of these antlered rabbits would suit anyone fond of the weird and wonderful.

A premium quality heavyweight fine art print material with a smooth, clean finish. This museum-quality paper is extremely consistent and works perfectly to capture the details in Kit’s work.